Pairing writers with expert beta readers
Get insightful & actionable feedback on your manuscript
Complete your draft faster
Get better input
Complete your draft faster Get better input
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We help debut fiction writers get actionable feedback from real readers
Our beta readers are vetted book lovers from your target audience. Ready to polish your manuscript?
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Want just a small taste of beta reading?
Try our Bespoke Beta Reader Sampler
An expert beta reader will dive into the first 20 pages of your manuscript and provide tailored input.
Special offer for members of The Book Incubator: Get feedback on your first 30 pages instead of 20 – that's 10 extra pages at no additional cost!
Complete your draft faster
Get better input
Complete your draft faster Get better input
Welcome, book nerds!
For Writers
Get your full manuscript read by 3 expert beta readers who will provide you with actionable feedback to elevate your novel and get you one step closer to publication.
For Readers
We love all things bookish and literary heroines are most definitely our jam. TBH, we love quizzes, too. Take this quick quiz to find out which literary heroine you are.

About Long Story
While writing her debut novel, Annie Long Sullivan discovered firsthand how vital beta reader feedback is to crafting a polished manuscript. This experience sparked a mission: connecting debut authors with the actionable feedback from expert readers.
Drawing on her network of passionate, genre-savvy readers, Annie founded Long Story to help first-time novelists strengthen their work and navigate the path to publication. At Long Story, we're book people through and through, and we are dedicated to optimizing your manuscript and bringing you closer to publishing your book.
So this is what I’m reading:
What’s the last book that you read and loved?
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